Local Development Order Delivery Group

This is Gravity Limited (TIGL) in collaboration with Somerset Council (SC) and delivery partners, are in the process of gearing up preparations for the implementation stage of the Gravity Local Development Order (LDO) adopted in February 2022 for the Gravity Smart Campus.

To assist with technical coordination the Gravity LDO Delivery Group is being restarted. This group which comprises statutory consultees and key delivery partners, helped to facilitate the preparation of the Gravity LDO between 2020-22. Each member of the LDO Delivery Group was responsible for providing guidance, technical input, working collaboratively and assisting in delivering specific activities associated with the site as appropriate.

The LDO Delivery Group will receive regular updates and briefings from TIGL, Agratas, the Council and delivery partners on what proposals will be coming forward, with a look ahead programme to help members of the group understand the potential forthcoming resourcing requirements to support the implementation stage.

This will inform further updates with the community and wider stakeholders through newsletters and site updates to ensure effective coordination and communication.

Members of the public can of course raise queries through key contact points for This Is Gravity, Somerset Council and Agratas –  communityuk@agratas.net

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