October – December
As we move into Autumn, activity at the Gravity site will continue to accelerate. This is Gravity (TIG) continues to support the delivery of the advanced battery manufacturing facility, site infrastructure and wider campus amenities.
Summer saw Sir Robert McAlpine (SRM) appointed by Agratas for the construction of the first major building on site – Building One.
Gravity Site works
- Site preparation for Agratas will continue, including material import and management.
- Work to recycle site material will continue.
- TIG contractors will be monitoring the new landscaping on the link road (Enterprise Way) and replacing, as necessary, to ensure completion as soon as possible.
- Ground works and foundation construction (piling) continues for Agratas’s first building on site.
- Work is well underway to open the new main entrance to site directly from the Woolavington Road roundabout, reducing the proportion of construction vehicles utilising Woolavington Road.
- Environmental monitoring equipment to report on noise and air conditions has been installed. Data from this equipment will be reported to the Council governance groups, once fully established.
- The formal completion and adoption of Enterprise Way by Somerset Council is expected after snagging has been completed by the contractor. Works will then start on the Village Enhancement Scheme (VES), which includes a pedestrian and cycle path connecting Purtion and Woolavington and traffic calming measures.
- Following meetings with local stakeholders, National Grid will soon be communicating with local residents to introduce plans to build a new substation on the Gravity site. They are a key enabler to provide the necessary infrastructure for the whole of Gravity
Other matters
- Gravity welcomes David Oakhill as its Director of Planning and Economic Development.
- Ground investigations will continue throughout the autumn months.
- Formal governance arrangements required under the LDO with the Council and other partners are now in place.
- Enquiries – the respective teams will continue to support and respond to enquiries.
Contact Gravity
- Newsletter: Click here to subscribe
- Email: info@thisisgravity.co.uk
Contact Agratas
- Email: communityuk@agratas.net
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